Wow, I was downright lazy on Wednesday
What just happened: I went to DragonCon in Atlanta. And it was improbably restorative and sweet and refilling. I had numerous high-level conversations and met people I feel like I've known forever but oh yeah, we've never actually met in real life, and people who helped me! I heard things I really needed to hear. And it was lovely. V active. Much walking.
What I'm grateful for: Being an American citizen, and being able to pay for health marker blood tests I want in the US, and having the means to pay for those tests, and the ability to travel. Canada will always save your life, and I am vastly grateful for our universal health care, as flawed and overwhelmed as it is, but when it comes to seeking “better” health, it's sure nice to also be able to pay for medical information and care when you want it.
What I'm challenged by: Social media. It's provoking deep insecurity about being able to work. Every time I get on Facebook I feel infected by the fear that there isn't enough work, ackkkk. I do not want to feel this way.
What I'm contemplating: Accepting success. It's all tied up in a knot of deserving, and clarifying what it is you actually want, and the fluttery risk of believing things can get better. They can? It's not all silk and pillows to want, reach for, *invite* greater success. It's suspect and itchy and audacious. At least for me. Oh, and, a big piece is being willing to do the things that come with success. Maybe they're challenging. But if you push away things that challenge you, maybe you're rejecting the things you want too.
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